Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lightmap Issues

OK so I am having this really bad issue of "blinking" static meshes.  I have been trying to wrap my head around this for hours and getting freakin nowhere.  When I'm up close it looks great, but move back 5 ft and suddenly the lightmap resolution goes way down.  The textures don't change resolution one bit, but my lightmaps get really bad.  In a fully lit environment with multiple lights, this causes massive "blinking" on entire objects.  Now you will notice that one of the meshes doesn't change.  This is actually a different static mesh, but you can't really tell from the picture.  its not having this problem, but a large portion of the models in the level are.

Here is an example of the blinking:

Edit:  Resolved.  In static mesh editor, LOD distance Ratio was at 1.  Just changed it to 2.  Apparently it was switching to LOD textures when you were very close to the object in game.  So it was extremely noticeable. 

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